This game is cool and all, but there is a bug where sometimes if an object splits and explodes and the other objects that come from it keep splitting and exploding, there can sometimes be some glitched things that I like to call "ghost objects" where they all face exactly right and never anywhere else, and can't be interacted with.
To unlock the circle boss battle you have to buy and use the square shape, from the shop for 100k at extra spice, I would recommend spike crusher because it would be hard whit out it. Then use the square shape and go to the right of the map, at the end is the circle boss, after you beat it you get a key. For the square boss you have to buy the triangle shape from the shop at extra spice, again I would recommend buying the spike crusher and spike crusher+ for this beacuse its harder Then while using the triangle shape go to the left of the map and at the end you will go to the square boos, after beating him you get a key. The keys you get from thees bosses you have to use on the red box at the start. After you use the keys this will take you to the pentagon boss. After you beat him you get a new key and a new shape "The Pentagon". And last but not least the key you get from the pentagon you use on the blue box at spawn, taking you to "The Cursed World" where everything is a square. In this world you get all your score x2. I hope I helped you and have a good day. (*^-^*)
due to chome OS being a copy of Linux most android apps run fine on it, if you gave the play store installed on your Chromebook try looking for the game on there. if you dont have the store downloaded on your Chromebook you should be able to go to a website like and downdold the APK and use that to install it.
first, kinder it depends on what you are playing on, mobile, use app store, and mac, linux and windows all have downloads second, you guys have no clue how weird it is for me to have "balls?" on my computer
you just defeat the bosses in this order. circle, square and pentagon. then you get the key and shape and then unlock the blue portal. it leads you to a world of nothing but squares.
heres the evidence.
(yes, you literallly see nothing but square enemies and some other stuff. the only way you can escape is if you die.)
← Return to game
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is it just me or is this ball looking kinda THICC
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milky milk
thicc as milk
Dani u dumbass you could just use the webgl and balls will be playable on apple.
how do i delete my save data
Go into stats then reset stats
mm balls
Why Dont You Post Your Wallrunning Script Dani Fool
This game is cool and all, but there is a bug where sometimes if an object splits and explodes and the other objects that come from it keep splitting and exploding, there can sometimes be some glitched things that I like to call "ghost objects" where they all face exactly right and never anywhere else, and can't be interacted with.
i like playing with balls
i had like so many upgrads in that game no all go oof :*(
also when i click play this happens :(
sad boi
there is no problem
The Difference Is That This A Newer Version
the crouch buttun is trash
whats the difference between balls and off the balls
i just don't know
(i download the two and i will test now.)
I guess this version feels more complete than off the balls or something?
how do you unlock the bose battel
To unlock the circle boss battle you have to buy and use the square shape, from the shop for 100k at extra spice, I would recommend spike crusher because it would be hard whit out it. Then use the square shape and go to the right of the map, at the end is the circle boss, after you beat it you get a key. For the square boss you have to buy the triangle shape from the shop at extra spice, again I would recommend buying the spike crusher and spike crusher+ for this beacuse its harder Then while using the triangle shape go to the left of the map and at the end you will go to the square boos, after beating him you get a key. The keys you get from thees bosses you have to use on the red box at the start. After you use the keys this will take you to the pentagon boss. After you beat him you get a new key and a new shape "The Pentagon". And last but not least the key you get from the pentagon you use on the blue box at spawn, taking you to "The Cursed World" where everything is a square. In this world you get all your score x2. I hope I helped you and have a good day. (*^-^*)
omg just why
Lmao :)))))
And how do you get the extras
What does love do, i just bought i, feeling dumb.
dude how do you download it on chromebook OS???
due to chome OS being a copy of Linux most android apps run fine on it, if you gave the play store installed on your Chromebook try looking for the game on there. if you dont have the store downloaded on your Chromebook you should be able to go to a website like and downdold the APK and use that to install it.
lemme tell you something you can't download the store you have it and the play store doesn't have Balls? it ain't bumbo
first, kinder it depends on what you are playing on, mobile, use app store, and mac, linux and windows all have downloads second, you guys have no clue how weird it is for me to have "balls?" on my computer
what u mean
Why no work :(
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no need web download just direct download from the app
i found the cursed dimension because yes
you just defeat the bosses in this order. circle, square and pentagon. then you get the key and shape and then unlock the blue portal. it leads you to a world of nothing but squares.
heres the evidence.
If you die in the process do you have to start over
great work on that game dani
man. I cant download it... dont u think thats kinda............ ████████╗██╗░░██╗██╗░█████╗░░█████╗░
nice thicc boi at first i thought it was the word chonck
mee to its hard its not working!
i cant watch ads? can you not do that on the pc version if so why is the option there?
Why can't I unzip the zip file? It Keeps on deleting its self after it has downloaded! This is my 23th download today
download from app?
I don't know what to do
what operating system do you use
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so uuuh how do you close the game
i feel dumb :p
press ALT = F4
press Alt + f4 or simply hit Alt+Tab and click the x button
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