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Is that me or is timmy lookin kinda

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Lv10 speedrun glichless 11.257, anyone faster than me?

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

4:837 bitch

3.21 fuckers


Shut up plz


whenever i try to download something it appears in my files and seconds later it just vanishes, anyone know how to fix this

go into files and its probably in downloads

I've tried, it also just disappears

if you are using a school or work computer, there security system has a tendency to delete 3rd party software that it doesn't recognise. for a quick fix, use a USB. otherwise you could go into property's and make the computer think the exe is made by Microsoft although I haven't tested this myself.


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i really like this game


Play my game it is hard that milk!
The Door! 2

can make mac you

there is already mac


(2 edits)

I got al the boners from this game

i cant do 2nd lvl

Very nice game, immersive

nice game dani and when karlson will come on steam 

bye drink your milk dani

nice game dani and when karlson will come on team

bye drink your milk dani 

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windows doesnt work for me, i think its my computer or a problem, so dani can you please fix this

if its your computer how does milkman fix??

I can't download it on mac. I have the app but it won't recognize that there is a mac download file right there. Please update this Dani.

level 3 is impossible

nah bro you just bad




Super cool Game Challanging and Rewarding

Danii!!! Please add mobile version off this game I want to play it so bat but my dumb dumb brain can't get a pc

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I Speedrunned the Third Level in under 20 seconds

Play my game it is hard that milk!
The Door! 2

FINALLY I BEAT THIS GAME pls add more levels



What's the default FOV? I accidentally maxed it out (big mistake)

Hey Dani, I loved this game, was super fun to play

Only problem is that it's really really short, and there's not too much replayability
It would be cool if you added more levels to the game, or maybe even made a sequel, which could have like bows or something 

sorry but dani isnt working on re:run due to working on karlson steam release and re:run was for a game jam that he accidentally won thanks to his popularity 

Deleted 2 years ago





I was thinking that this was going to turn out to be a rage game but ended up loving it keep up the good work

The mac version doesn't    work


apple user get a real product


yeah thats true. I really wanted the game but Im on mac

you can run it on mac. ok how to do it. drag it onto your desktop then right click it. it should say "show contents" click that. then click macOS then it should have a file. go to terminal and type "chmod +x" space then drag the file in. hit enter and run the executable

Double click on karlson.exe,
What game do you think is this

But nice game, Very cool Dani!

i mean where the button is

bruh i keep dyeing on level 9 the level with the spikes right where the spikes are

Yo Dani do i need opengl for this?


my bro


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when is dani gonna upload again




its old but i still like it :]

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