i have like 2 hours in this game and im just trying to get better times at all the levels, please make more levels there is so much you could with this movement and combat please update it somewhere in the future! ^^
Pretty good. My biggest complaint is how "wiggly" the sword guys are because their attacks hit me through blocks, and the archers have basically aimbot. Besides that, the game is GOOD. Great movement, great OST, nice feel. I beat this game in about 20 mins, a nice little game if you want to challenge yourself for a bit. Overall, I give this game an 8/10 for what it is.
A brilliant mix between Landfall Games's style of movement and old school action puzzles. RE:RUN is simple yet well made game. P.S. please fix NaN's in level selection, "No Record" could be a nice replacement
RE:RUN is a (seemingly) simple parkour-based action game where the goal is simple: reach the end and slaughter anyone who stands in your way! Even though the game has simple controls you will die a lot, either by the clever and sneaky level design or by your own stupid decisions...
Lay of the Land:
The game mostly uses basic shapes for each level, it may not sound impressive but it really suits the aesthetics of the game. There are also enemies in the game which are made of basic colors: Red(easy) and blue(harder.) Most levels are Kinda straight forward but some levels use some really tricky moves to keep the players guessing and interested like hidden corridors that are easy to miss, platforms that are just out reach from the player, traps and small gaps that lead directly to an enemy. I’ve died several times just because I missed a platform or run across a hidden trap...
My name is [ENTER NAME HERE] and I’m the fastest man (or woman) alive!
Ever wanted to feel like you’re moving at Mach 10 speed and chopping everything down as you go? Well then this is the game for you! It’s very fast paced with plenty of fighting elements. The combat is simple: we have a sword with which we can attack; we can block and (if all else fails) throw them right at the enemy...You know nothing too fancy.
The Combat is very satisfying and very fast as every foe you defeat feels rewarding, as it displays the different methods with which we defeated them like DUNK, SLICE etc. And the game incorporates archers who rain arrows on you if you stay at one spot thus keeping you on the move! The sound effect of dispatching them feels just right :).
The platformer section of this, once again, relies heavily on parkour as you bounce around the map dodging arrows and sword fighting like the chosen one. There are power ups which you can take that gives you something special like: double jumps, swords which are essential to each level. But these power ups will reset you to the spawn location. At first, I thought this was a weird feature to include but it is incorporated amazingly well as it works as intended and makes the player feel like they are unstoppable (I can’t tell more without spoiling some levels, it’s something that has to experienced).
Faster than Sound itself!
A feature in the game that can go unnoticed is that the music in the game changes its pace according the player's speed, if you slow down, the music will slow down and if you stop, the music will slowly stop. This creates a certain slow-mo cinematic feel during the combat when you block or stand your ground (which is rare because standing still during combat is a death sentence in this game). So, Credit where credit is due, the music and sound effects in this game are really well done and it helps in improving the game’s aesthetics.
Room for more...
This game could have been longer. There are only 11 levels where one of them is basically a tutorial. You can practically finish this whole game under 10 minutes (provided you don’t die like 300 times like me). Nevertheless, since we die a lot and that there is a time counter which shows our best time, there is some replay value to the game. I feel that it could have been longer because I was having too much fun with this game but as a lot planning had to go into the level design, I can see why it only has 10 or so levels...
This review was made by George Jose, a student of VIT Bhopal, studying Game development :)
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Did you just copy the instructions from Karlson? Why does it say double click on Karlson.exe?
The Enemy Eyeballs are looking kinda....THICCC
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Hi, Can Someone help me i cant download this game whenever i do it. The game auto-matically deletes. Please HELP!!!!!
its probably your overprotective Girlfri.... i mean Antivirus
ok, but i was able to download karlson demo and milkman karlson and karlson 2d
then how do i disable it
i use windows defender
Also i cant download anything. It just deletes auto-matically
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good game
Awesome game!
Very fun
Very fun
Show post...
i have like 2 hours in this game and im just trying to get better times at all the levels, please make more levels there is so much you could with this movement and combat please update it somewhere in the future! ^^
this game is thicc you now
soo cool
yeah boy
I can't play any games made by Dani :(
me too idk why
W H A T I S T H E D R I L L ?
shut up knone talks about it here
ur mom T H I C C
Actually what is the drill
Dani: does a whole video for downloading
me: Has the itch.io app hahahahah
i dont like this game.
Pretty good. My biggest complaint is how "wiggly" the sword guys are because their attacks hit me through blocks, and the archers have basically aimbot. Besides that, the game is GOOD. Great movement, great OST, nice feel. I beat this game in about 20 mins, a nice little game if you want to challenge yourself for a bit. Overall, I give this game an 8/10 for what it is.
These times are quick!
i see you everywhere :o not mad tho
Good game Dani but you go too fast
A brilliant mix between Landfall Games's style of movement and old school action puzzles. RE:RUN is simple yet well made game.
P.S. please fix NaN's in level selection, "No Record" could be a nice replacement
the game does not download is say download failed
I beat stage 10 in 00:18:105
i beat it with 4 seconhds
WHAT. HOW?????? comapared to you im so bad
is this kid friendly?
i don't think so
yea it is
when is karlson coming out i might poo my self if it dosnt come out soon
there is a version on itch, just search karlson
this game is VERY fun I played this for like 3 hours lol
Run, Fight, Die, Repeat!
RE:RUN is a (seemingly) simple parkour-based action game where the goal is simple: reach the end and slaughter anyone who stands in your way! Even though the game has simple controls you will die a lot, either by the clever and sneaky level design or by your own stupid decisions...
Lay of the Land:
The game mostly uses basic shapes for each level, it may not sound impressive but it really suits the aesthetics of the game. There are also enemies in the game which are made of basic colors: Red(easy) and blue(harder.) Most levels are Kinda straight forward but some levels use some really tricky moves to keep the players guessing and interested like hidden corridors that are easy to miss, platforms that are just out reach from the player, traps and small gaps that lead directly to an enemy. I’ve died several times just because I missed a platform or run across a hidden trap...
My name is [ENTER NAME HERE] and I’m the fastest man (or woman) alive!
Ever wanted to feel like you’re moving at Mach 10 speed and chopping everything down as you go? Well then this is the game for you! It’s very fast paced with plenty of fighting elements. The combat is simple: we have a sword with which we can attack; we can block and (if all else fails) throw them right at the enemy...You know nothing too fancy.
The Combat is very satisfying and very fast as every foe you defeat feels rewarding, as it displays the different methods with which we defeated them like DUNK, SLICE etc. And the game incorporates archers who rain arrows on you if you stay at one spot thus keeping you on the move! The sound effect of dispatching them feels just right :).
The platformer section of this, once again, relies heavily on parkour as you bounce around the map dodging arrows and sword fighting like the chosen one. There are power ups which you can take that gives you something special like: double jumps, swords which are essential to each level. But these power ups will reset you to the spawn location. At first, I thought this was a weird feature to include but it is incorporated amazingly well as it works as intended and makes the player feel like they are unstoppable (I can’t tell more without spoiling some levels, it’s something that has to experienced).
Faster than Sound itself!
A feature in the game that can go unnoticed is that the music in the game changes its pace according the player's speed, if you slow down, the music will slow down and if you stop, the music will slowly stop. This creates a certain slow-mo cinematic feel during the combat when you block or stand your ground (which is rare because standing still during combat is a death sentence in this game). So, Credit where credit is due, the music and sound effects in this game are really well done and it helps in improving the game’s aesthetics.
Room for more...
This game could have been longer. There are only 11 levels where one of them is basically a tutorial. You can practically finish this whole game under 10 minutes (provided you don’t die like 300 times like me). Nevertheless, since we die a lot and that there is a time counter which shows our best time, there is some replay value to the game. I feel that it could have been longer because I was having too much fun with this game but as a lot planning had to go into the level design, I can see why it only has 10 or so levels...
This review was made by George Jose, a student of VIT Bhopal, studying Game development :)
r u real dani???
yes he is dummy
Pretty good.
KARLSON is better though