I like the physics, it reminds me of totally accurate battle simulator, a very funny game and not that easy to beat. I posted a full walkthrough with my all attemps.
youre gameplay was not "wierd" and it was not "interesting" the quality is terrible, and its just boring gameplay, why watch this when you can watch actualy entertaining videos of people playing this game or doing it well/ in a interesting way
thanks for your advice iam just starting to make gameplays unfortunately the video quality is 480p by default it can't be increased you can compare the pixels to another video
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I am on mac and I can't open it. Can anyone help me? Whenever I try to open it it says The Application cannot be Opened
Are you using Mac? On mac it only works on the latest version of MacOS (Catalina). I have tried on windows and on linux and it works perfectly fine
Amazing Game! Made a Part 2
mac is broKEN
Are you using Mac? On mac it only works on the latest version of MacOS (Catalina). I have tried on windows and on linux and it works perfectly fine
Yeah, but I fixed the problem. I just had to launch it with the itch.io app.
help i can't download because my file keeps deleted
frick you willy, why is there so many of you?
you had fun......
🤣 guys, this is literally me when I drink too much milk! smash like now if relatable! 😁😂😎
I like the physics, it reminds me of totally accurate battle simulator, a very funny game and not that easy to beat. I posted a full walkthrough with my all attemps.
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i like it 18 bitrayan played this
yo comment sounds a bit gey
you said it sounds , not that it is
yeah I f*cking bet he is
yeah you know what legs are overrated! it's not like he was able to walk before, what does it matter?
and now he's a centaur, oh good!
still thicc tho
damn, is it just me, or is Karlson lookin' a bit THICCer than usual?
The game is awesome check my gameplay i had very weard gameplay so dot miss it
youre gameplay was not "wierd" and it was not "interesting" the quality is terrible, and its just boring gameplay, why watch this when you can watch actualy entertaining videos of people playing this game or doing it well/ in a interesting way
thanks for your advice iam just starting to make gameplays unfortunately the video quality is 480p by default it can't be increased you can compare the pixels to another video
Had an absolute blast playing!
This game was extremely fun to play. Super wacky, and extremely crazy. Loved Karlson's nice toupee and his THICC butt. 10/10.
there is a bug… on mobile when you let go of the joystick Karlson keeps on moving making some of the levels harder please fix this dani
happens to me too
yah he play for a few
Dani, help! I`am a beginner developer, how to do UNSHIT games?xD
I don't think you're asking the right guy for that
Uh, man, maybe, maybe)
By the way, can you check my game?
thats not funny
becose saying the word “unshit” for no reason dosent mean it’s funny
actually i ask dani how to DO "UNSHIT " games no further
"unshit" isnt a thing you can do in his games
This game was kill. Much ninja.
Starts at 7:42
Karlson has achieved the die
he is a real boner
Is Dani even online right now?
IM BEGING YOU HELP ME PLEASE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!
he is not ganna help you just becouse you put emojis and you didnt even tell him what you need help with
How to open file?
I'm using a phone
its in the appstore.
there's no app store for android
IT'S THICC. How to open file?
Pretty damn THICC though.
I wish I could just put the .exe file in a folder without the other stuff.
unity games need somewhere to put the assets such as unityplayer.dll which contains the code for the game
just create a shortcut of the .exe file and move it to somewhere else, that's worked for me in the past
right click on .exe file and click create shortcut and put the shortcut somewhere and thats it!
It worked!
I wish knew I could just make a shortcut!
Thanks to Ngaming101 and DreamsDoComeTrue fot telling me this!
aaaaayyyyyyyy dis boi got roblox
is it just me cuz karlson looking kinda TTHHHIIIICC ,(i know really og meme)
Such a fun game.Twitter definitely has good game ideas.Good job!
THICCNESS intensifies cause of that CALSIUM.
hey guys and girlsss this game be looking kinda THICCCCCC anyway i want you guys to know i got a alt account so ya
I'm gonna be honest with you. Karlson be looking kinda THICC.
Is it me, or is everything looking kinda THICC
Thats looking kinda THICC
yeah, nigga, and?
i like the game is funny
this game is kinda T H I C C