You know, that's the kind of thing the FBI specializes in...copyright infringement, stolen intellectual property, etc. DON'T do that. Dani made this game, not you. Take the time to learn how to make games, then sell that instead. Don't profit off someone else's work.
no, fuck off, this is Dani's game, you'd only ask that if you wanted to steal the game, and that's copyright infringement. Make your own games, don't go on claiming that something is yours when it's clearly not.
shoot, I didn't see this when you asked, I'm sorry man. But my chronology is: first comes Karlson 2d, then 3d itch edition, then milkman, then steam, because it would make sense that whoever is stealing the milk starts out with humans but ends up developing robots. After you kill a bunch of their guys (K2D), they try to kidnap you but you escape, then try to get away from them, but they deploy robots. After a while, they kidnap you again (and now this is going off of what we've seen and is super speculative) and you end up at the beginning of K3D Steam, where they try to use you for experiments with robots to try to make their human soldiers better. Somewhere along the lines you escape from their prison and they eventually run out of robots to try to kill you with, and also they make the stupid mistake of letting you get ahold of a banana gun. Sorry that I'm a year late my guy.
this was almost the same as my timeline, but I purposely didn’t include the steam edition because I don’t know enough of it.
But your guess that the steam version is on the end has a flaw I believe. In 2D you fight with almost the same people as the human enemies from the steam edition. And if they already have some robots in the steam version and Dani doesn’t replace them all with humans, that could maybe mean it takes place before 3D itch edition.
And then we need to kinda make a choice, include or exclude the 3D itch edition, or (this is my personal theory) 3D itch comes at the end. He is captured at the end of milkman, but this time just by robots.
So yeah, including Steam edition with would change the whole timeline, and it isn’t even finished yet! So maybe in steam we will fight a dragon without explanation!
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Looking Kinda...
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the game is
is it just me or is this milk lookin kinda.
Like your mother
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he thicc
How to mute the music??
much milk
how do i remove "made by danidev" from the game ?
Why would you want to do that. Are you trying to steal the game???????
You know, that's the kind of thing the FBI specializes in...copyright infringement, stolen intellectual property, etc. DON'T do that. Dani made this game, not you. Take the time to learn how to make games, then sell that instead. Don't profit off someone else's work.
no, fuck off, this is Dani's game, you'd only ask that if you wanted to steal the game, and that's copyright infringement. Make your own games, don't go on claiming that something is yours when it's clearly not.
so you want to steal the game eh? just fucking make your own game if you want to steal
fuck you
*Calls FBI
Just call Dani and ask him to remove it for you, he is a nice guy!👍
KARLSON look kinda THICK..............
you said THICC wrong
sorry game u look kinda THICCC
I wish Dani can call the people that still hate OJ gang Fakes Boners reply if your agree
i are agreement
i think i'm gonna figure out the chronology of the games, if i have a clue i will post a comment on this game
i actually made a timeline of them but it only got 15 upvotes on reddit. i'd be willing to help you with one if you wanted to make it
can you maybe send a link so i can see the timeline, that would help a lot. And I would really appreciate if you would help
shoot, I didn't see this when you asked, I'm sorry man. But my chronology is: first comes Karlson 2d, then 3d itch edition, then milkman, then steam, because it would make sense that whoever is stealing the milk starts out with humans but ends up developing robots. After you kill a bunch of their guys (K2D), they try to kidnap you but you escape, then try to get away from them, but they deploy robots. After a while, they kidnap you again (and now this is going off of what we've seen and is super speculative) and you end up at the beginning of K3D Steam, where they try to use you for experiments with robots to try to make their human soldiers better. Somewhere along the lines you escape from their prison and they eventually run out of robots to try to kill you with, and also they make the stupid mistake of letting you get ahold of a banana gun. Sorry that I'm a year late my guy.
this was almost the same as my timeline, but I purposely didn’t include the steam edition because I don’t know enough of it.
But your guess that the steam version is on the end has a flaw I believe. In 2D you fight with almost the same people as the human enemies from the steam edition. And if they already have some robots in the steam version and Dani doesn’t replace them all with humans, that could maybe mean it takes place before 3D itch edition.
And then we need to kinda make a choice, include or exclude the 3D itch edition, or (this is my personal theory) 3D itch comes at the end. He is captured at the end of milkman, but this time just by robots.
So yeah, including Steam edition with would change the whole timeline, and it isn’t even finished yet! So maybe in steam we will fight a dragon without explanation!
How do i use slowmo
guys is it just me or i milkman karlson lokin kindaa TTTTTTHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIICCCCCCC
Check out mine.
Can the blood be turned off?
I like your games dani
i feel like you already know but if you don't he has a youtube channel
wow Karlson do be looking kinda
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Your face is lookn' pretty
bruh no we just don't that about the drill you know better
you forgot about the drill
We dont talk about the drill around these parts...
Dani's milk has been expired for months and it is sour as ◘@!|
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is it just me but lookin kinda...
Is it me or is this game looking kinda THICK!
No, T H I C C
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Dani pls make a multiplayer for this game (Arena mode)
Is it just me or is that danidev site lokin kinda...
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