Man its freaking amazing . the only thing is that it last for 20 minutes because there arent many maps pls add more maps , a map creator , more enemies and more guns
This Was A Great Game, But The Only Problem Is I Have Windows 7, A Computer Build In 2000... So Its Pretty Old, I Had To Turn Down Grafics to play, and others...
dude you do realize windows 7 is not supported so if an exploit is found you can be hacked and microsoft wont do anything about it, also you cant blame the dev for the game not running well on a computer from 20 years ago...
Find your money, put it in the box, run new scan. Go back to game, do stuff to get more money, go back to cheat engine, put in new number, run next scan, do it until you are left with 1 or 2 entries. Highlight both and click the red little arrow. Double click the numbers (while both are highlighted) and change them to your currency. You may need to get an extra dollar for the change to update. If it keeps ticking back (Dani probably doesn't know how to properly do anticheat) just tick the boxes next to the values on the very left and re-enter the numbers. There ya go.
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I cnat download it. When i Open it, it deletes Itself
try selecting it in your antivirus and marking it as safe
Wow you have such a impresive quality!
Man its freaking amazing . the only thing is that it last for 20 minutes because there arent many maps pls add more maps , a map creator , more enemies and more guns
This Was A Great Game, But The Only Problem Is I Have Windows 7, A Computer Build In 2000... So Its Pretty Old, I Had To Turn Down Grafics to play, and others...
But It Still Is Fun!
dude you do realize windows 7 is not supported so if an exploit is found you can be hacked and microsoft wont do anything about it, also you cant blame the dev for the game not running well on a computer from 20 years ago...
the windows version isn't workin
You need to download the right game. If your pc is 64 bits then download the 64 bits version. if your pc is 32 bits then download the 32 bits version.
game maker makes me go Y E S
the best game ever
It was pretty great, I died 700 times!
this game makes me go YES
Why does Karlson look like A retarded Morty
He does look like a old retarded version of morty
Karlson be lukin thicc
Is it me or is karlson lookin kida THICC (found bug in game)
Where does this fit in the Karlson timeline?
In a shitty multiverse
makes sense
can we officially say that this is the spin off game of Karlson.
this game makers me go YES
this game is very much Y E S
thi5 g4m3 i5 th3 h4rd
543534... death simbol
epic game
Its incredible. The only thing that would make it better is actual controller support.
controller worked for me
Oh wait, didn't see controller support.
anyone know any money glitches or things i can do in the code to get more money
Play the game.... Or if you are scum, use Cheat Engine.
yeah get that shit monster off meany idea on what to do in cheat engine
Find your money, put it in the box, run new scan. Go back to game, do stuff to get more money, go back to cheat engine, put in new number, run next scan, do it until you are left with 1 or 2 entries. Highlight both and click the red little arrow. Double click the numbers (while both are highlighted) and change them to your currency. You may need to get an extra dollar for the change to update. If it keeps ticking back (Dani probably doesn't know how to properly do anticheat) just tick the boxes next to the values on the very left and re-enter the numbers. There ya go.
Yah working on that, trying to see if I can find it in the code
there is an application called cheat engine you might want to watch a video before using it tho
Fun game but Billy have to be more THIICCC!
amazing just a masterpiece
Yo, epic game once again my friend. If anyone's interested in my experience playing it, here's the link! It was an... interesting experience...
hey great video man appreciate the great content
You Gained a Sub ;)
You Gained a Like ;)
where were you wen karlson die
i was at that bad guy HQ level with the shotgun until I did it after 69 tries
woah thi sis just like fortniet
OmG It LoKo jUsT LiKWe It OmG DaNiiiiIIIIiIiIIiI!!!!11!!!!!!!one!!1!!!one
You know, Karlson is lookin kinda T H I C C.
btw willy lookin kinda TH.......flat
hes flat
record for level 8 is 11:41 set by me
now 11:26
smoll pp, i broke yours by like 3 secs dude
gotcha 10:04
I got 10:05 :)
Nvm now 6:14
fuck damn, you mustve been lucky and got straight into the window
yep lol
fuck damn, you mustve been lucky and got straight into the window
Dani = best dev!
Keep up the amazing work
Yes so real!
this was very cash money of you
You should make it so the slow motion happens while right button is down or give an option to allow us to change to that
the linux version is an apk why?
because Android is running linux so same shit
This game cured my scoliosis
Ok cool karlson's ass is T H I C C
i think mac changed it's download thing so none of the applications work