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This game is so fricking hard holy cow

The ai makes me want to drive (uncontrollably cuz that's the only way to do it) off the map



the AI is a mean banana

pretty good but please optimize it like I have 10 fps if I am playing on high settings

if it runs on 10 fps on high settings just change to medium or low, i played on low and the graphics were ok and it runs on 50-60 fps

I am playing on low too, but the game is terrible optimized

what graphics card do you have? the GT 510?


can i play this game without banana controller:)

of course you can, but It's not the same, you should contact dani and buy a banana controller form him



Played for about 2 hours straight, still can't beat the easy AI on the first map 80% of the time. Controls are very hard so don't expect to put only a couple hours of time into it and be a master at the game

haha yep that ai is a total asshole lol. pretty slow until you pass then they ram you right off the road. just like the anime...

Did you try counter-steering? Just asking no h8


this game fucking sucks


nah its good




I can't change the settings and they are preset to max (using the 64bit version if it helps)

U must use arrows and enter


Is fun is hard is thicc


vrooom broom zoom srrrrr a


do NORMAL NOT BANNANA stearing wheals for pc work


you would have to download an xbox 360 controller emulator

can you recomend one 


bu oyun makes me go brrrrrrr


Requested to

(1 edit) (+5)

my game experience can be summed up in:



nooo u cant just make a joke description u have to be professional

dani: haha car go skirrtt skirtt brr boom




how do you change your profile picture

do you mean profile picture because you need to go to settings (press arrow in top right ) and you will see a button with upload image

thank you :)


Haha car go vrooooooooooooooom


you will rage, especially against the ai

(1 edit) (+2)

I agree with this

The AI drives along a path and will do perfect keypresses to get to the finnish line on time. You are in the way? it won't stop turning until it has to get somewhere else on the road meaning if you touch you will probably spinn out. Also the AI likes to take up as much space as possible... so that's fun

Try avoiding that 

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 218 days ago

Because I need a mod





Same :D





i now understand why he sayed the controls are pretty hard





I Hate This Game It's So Hard

(2 edits) (+2)(-2)

did you even watch the whole video because Dani already  warned you  that the game is hard  so your, not an real gamer

Shut the fuck up 

You're just jealous that yousef0981a is a TRUE AND GOOD GAMER and that you are a BAD gamer


i cant download it

vroom skkkkkkkkkkkkkkrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt boooooooooooom neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

the end


Game is for me very cool, physics aren't any problems, and driving isn't hard, just on start is kinda annoying. Game would be perfect if AI cars weren't some kind of rams and stones - for example, you want to block it, but pushes you away. You have to be really careful while drifting next to an AI.


its like driving into an immoveable object

or into your MOM


haha skrrt go brrrrr

wait actually... 

skrrt go skrrt?

becomes a singularity

vroom vroom

Too laggy on Mac and the AI is cringe.... it should be Thicc..... and should bump us away when we come near it! Thank me later >_~


I’m not thanking you


Uhhhh..... Ok I guess you are OJ gang

Milk Gang and Orange Juice gang are not longer fighting SHUT

Then with whom is milk gang fighting with if not OJ ??


How did you made it run on mac? It doesn´t work for me


You Right click the app in finder, Package contents, MacOS, And Check the file,  go to terminal type chmod +x (Drag the file over to terminal) , Enter. PLS Thank me cause nobody does :(

(1 edit) (+2)

ok heres the problems: the other racer rams me and when they crash they literally teleport back to the road instead of teleporting back to the check point




Really fun game, maybe adding a key binding to the restore/restart actions would be nice, so there is no need to enter the pause menu every time the car spins from the track. 

lmao this game need a GAMING GOD lol


haha car go vroom vroom zoom drift skkkrt brrrrrrr boom woooos


This game is not good. The AI is too focused on the objective, and the cars handle like children on a slip and slide. I might be trying to turn around a corner, and the car just starts drifting. Its super annoying, and is the main reason I have uninstalled the game.


Well I think the game was kind of of a joke and not meant to be played properly for days


Other drifting games are like this. You just need to get used to it...



agreed, they should've made the first car you get atleast not explode on impact when you steer just a little bit

haha game go BRRRRRRRRRRR

Yeah its way too hard


its so cool because 

car go vroom zoom skrrrt


is it just me or this car looking kinda T H I C C


i like how smooth it is


bruh i literally cant download it for linux dani i want to play your'e game


there is a linux downoad or maybe you are using 32 bit?


Nice game but my pc is kinda (THIC!!!)




please lower the drift its just too high


no it isn't





dani forgot to set Linux build as... umm... linux build.


no, just click the .x86_64 file

ye i know. I just can't install it on Itch app. I need to install it outside of the app and i don't like it :|

Deleted post

haha car go skrr skrr boom boom bam brbrbbrbbrbrbbrbrbrbrbbrbr 


i absolutely hate this game and i hate everyhing about it and yet its the best thing ive played.


couldnt have said it better myself

no srsly pls i cant figure out how the fuck to drift

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