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cant open it



haha vroom vroom brr skkkrt skrttttt brooom


i cant install it

what u loking at

you shouldn't have to install anything. just download, unzip, and run the .exe

it's hard but the AI is BAD all the car do is drift but the AI grips and ram you the AI is like a gta 5 npc or a forza motorsport 7 rammer but grips


the AI isnt realy a AI

its how dani played

That's the ghost, there are ai cars that just follow a path as well.


the AI is just a roadblock


thick poop

how to download jelly drift: you don't you can't whatever you try it's you, you're the car


Idk i think its my computer even tho i follow the steps i can't seem to be able to download the game :I .............. in other words the download broke .





haha funny car go vrrom vrom skert


The download is broken, but it might just be on the desktop app.


doesn't work on the desktop app too

64 bit, 32 bit and Linux versions all work for me. Are you sure you’re extracting them and then running the Exe? Make sure you’re getting the proper version for your system ( for 32 bit Windows, for 64 bit Windows).

If you’re on linux then you’ll have to make sure to mark “JellyDriftLinux.x86_64” as executable. As the name implies, The linux version only works on 64 bit systems.


I was thinking this was gonna be on steam


That takes a lot longer. Steam games are normally big games that cost money.

THE MAN IS BACK!!!!!1111!!!1!!


cant download???

yes i cant

download from the zip files not the "install" 

(1 edit) (+1)

Actually one of the funniest drift games i've ever played. The drifting is a little wanky, but it just adds to the game. Really well done Dani. 


(Maybe add steeringwheel support if that isnt a thing yet)

bruh on mac is says "This application "Mac" can't be opened"






I've beaten all of the levels except the last one, which I don't understand the finishing mechanics of.  Where's the finish line?

car goes skrrrt



played it for a long time now or what i call a long time in this game i hate the ai (not the game but the ai) it crash in to me so hard i have to restart every time it crash in to me (i still lie the game but not the ai


I's are capitalized 

more like A.A (artificial asshole) lol. they like to get behind you and pit manuever your ass off a fcking cliff every damn time!

Bruh car go srrt vroom great game

says i cant download it from chrome

(1 edit)

The game is honestly way better than ı expected the music is awesome the controls feel very nice after getting used to it but ı had some issues with the game.

1)The car sometimes crashes into thin air especially when going slow and driving near the edge of the track.

2)The other racers aı is really aggressive and actively attacks you and even slows down just to be able to hit you and that combined with the cars slipping a lot makes the game feel a bit unfair.

3)When using a controller multiple menus open at the same time.

9/10- It needs more milk...

Being seriously, the game is pretty fun and challenging, I like the visuals and the controls are way too "you touch D/A and the car goes skrrrrrrrr", also the AI looks like it's quite OP as I'VE TRIED TO DESTROY IT BUT IT ALWAYS GETS BACK ON THE ROAD FOR SOME REASON :v

#ThanksForReadingMyTEDTalk :)


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How many hours took you to do this?

YO this is gamer

(3 edits) (-4)

It's a Jelly alright. You're drifting with a literal block of jelly. Hold W for too long? Oops, you crashed. Hold D or A for 0.6 picoseconds? You turned around, and have to restart since It's impossible to recover. I'd rather put my sausage in a waffle iron than be forced to finish this game with the AI on hard.

(1 edit) (+3)

D A N I B O X   3 0 0 0

Jeez that stupid AI car keeps killing me like this is Will You Snail or something.


i gotta do it   

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why does this game remind me of a mobile game i used to play called faily brakes

skrrrt vroom vroom skrrt

Oh I love being able to use windows 10 on a reliable pc good game unironically some of the best drift physics in an indie game 9/10 has a little something for everyone but still not as good as Garfield cart racing 


Deleted 2 years ago

Cant play it on OS X. Kinda disappointed.

cd /

cd Applications

cd (Name Of App).app

cd Contents

cd MacOS

chmod +x (Name Of App)

./(Name Of App)

everything about this game is dissapointing.


b o n e


DaniBox3000 has better controls than the nintendo joy cons



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